Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) is presented as a separate
application domain of ANTER due its importance as a success factor for both
private and public organisations.
Originating, since the beginning of the industrial revolution in the early
1900s, from the "Work Study" fields and the "Taylor principles" , BPR is still
one of the most important methodologies for improving processes both in
the production and in the services sector.
Especially nowdays, the integration of BPR with the latest ICT and Web
technologies can bring significant improvements on processes and can add value
on products and services.
Our staff, with many years of experience in this field and especially on
the integration of the BPR methods with ICT and Web Technologies, can help
organisations of both the private and the public sector, which need to become
more efficient, to make the right improvement steps by re-designing their
processes and by implementing appropriately ICT and Web technologies.
You may contact our staff for more information.....