Benchmarking & Evaluation of Training:
3. The eight-step Benchmarking model.
4. Why models of Benchmarking can be applied on Training?
6. Identifying Training needs.
7. Evaluating changes due to training.
The main concept of Benchmarking is to find better ways to do what we are doing, so that to move from where we are to where we want to be. Specifically, Benchmarking is the process of identifying, understanding and adapting outstanding practices from within the same organization or from other businesses to help improve performance. This involves evaluating and comparing processes, helping by this way an organization to set new standards and goals, which in turn, will help to improve and add value to its processes providing better performance and improved quality.
Benchmarking and its methods apply whether the organization is a manufacturer, service company, non-profit entity or training organization.
It could be adopted by managers, team leaders, professionals, or front-line employees
Its philosophy could generally apply even in an individual's life, who would like to improve his or her personal effectiveness.
3. The eight-step Benchmarking model.
In order for a Benchmarking project to be more efficient and not simply a waste of time and money, it should be divided into stages. Each stage should be completed before moving to the next. These stages are generally the following:
A) Identification and understanding of the processes.
B) Identification of what to benchmark.
C) Selection of process measures.
D) Identification of who to benchmark.
E) Data collection.
F) Analysis of data and identification of gaps.
G) Goals setting and Action Plan development.
H) Monitoring and reviewing of the processes.
4. Why models of Benchmarking can be applied on Training?
In many organizations, training processes form a sub-system of the organization or even the whole system, in cases of pure training organizations.
Benchmarking focuses on evaluation and improvement, which are necessary in Training processes. In modern training, it must be proven that an improvement of the current status has been achieved. Therefore, Benchmarking concepts and evaluation methodologies can be applied on the evaluation of Training.
In this project and in its courses, emphasis was given on the implementation of evaluation methods on training processes, considering evaluation as a core function of Benchmarking and a main factor for its successful implementation in training.
Evaluation is the systematic collection of descriptive and judgmental information necessary to make effective decisions related to the selection, adoption, modification and improvement of various instructional processes, as Benchmarking indicates.
Evaluation is integral to the circle of training and has the key role of quality assurance of the circle by providing feedback on the effectiveness of the methods being used, the achievement of the objectives set by both trainers and trainees and whether the needs originally identified, both at organizational and individual level, have been met in comparison with internal or external training standards.
6. Identifying Training needs.
During the courses the identification of training needs focused on 3 levels: The organization, the job and the individual.
Analysis at the organizational level is used to determine where training can and should be used. This implies that the training plan should be constructed in the same context as the business plan and be closely related to it. Training should be for the benefit of the organization as this will benefit the individuals in it. Thus, training objectives, especially those for management development, should be reviewed regularly by top management and particularly whenever a change in direction or emphasis is planned. At the job data level of analysis, it is necessary to discover what tasks need to be performed in order to do the job, how they should be performed and thus what needs to be learned in order to perform them well.
Finally at the individual level the intention is to assess performance levels against those required in the job.
Several methods to carry out the analysis and the integration of the training needs were presented at the courses, including those proposed by Total Quality Management.
7. Evaluating changes due to training.
The evaluation of changes due to training at organizational, job and individual level is an important factor for training to be effective. The use of evaluation methods is necessary to realize the degree of training effectiveness and to apply comparison procedures for both internal and external Benchmarking. Evaluation methods, concerning changes and improvement measurements, have been presented in detail during the courses of this project:
These evaluation methods, among others, concerned:
- Measuring changes in knowledge.
- Measuring changes in levels of skills.
- Changes in attitudes and behavior.
- Changes in levels of effectiveness.
- Costing changes.
As "Benchmarking" methodologies propose, with the use of systematic methods for the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of training processes at organizational, job and personal level, Training can be helped significantly to be more efficient for both organizations and individuals, especially in vocational and life long learning processes. In this project an effort was made through the 6 courses organized (3 in Greece, 2 in Bulgaria and 1 in Slovakia) the above to be presented in a detailed manner, aiming to make the people who attended them able to apply them in their organizations.
For more information on the above you can contact:
Feidippidou 22 Str., 11527 Athens, Greece, Tel: +30-210-7778002, 7473361, FAX: +30-210-7778002
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BIC GROUP s.r.o. (Slovakia)
Zachova 6 Str., 81103 Bratislava, Slovakia, Tel: +421-7-54411195, FAX: +421-7-54417522
E-mail:, URL:
H. Dimitar 4 Str., 5300 Gabrovo, Bulgaria, Tel: +359-66-21931, FAX: +359-6624856
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